Prof. amina boubIA
Prof. amina boubIA
Arts & Culture - Political science & IR - Middle East & North Africa - East & West
Arts & Culture - Political science & IR - Middle East & North Africa - East & West
I rely on multi-media material and a participatory teaching method.
I teach in French and English at both undergraduate & postgraduate levels, mobilising course-specific concepts in German and Arabic where relevant.
I also regularly invite experts to contribute to specific aspects of my courses.
Here are the contributions so far as part of my introductory course into the comtemporary Arab world:
> Prof. Jean-Pierre Filiu, 27 September 2023, about the Nahda
> Dr. Valentina Napolitano, 12 November 2024, on the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria (book launch)
> Dr. Erminia Chiara Calabrese, 19 November 2024, on Lebanon, the Hezbollah, and the impact on civilians
Current UIR courses
Introduction à la science politique
1st year, undergraduate lecture, since 2023.
Introduction au monde arabe contemporain entre héritages et transformations
1st year, undergraduate specialised course, since 2022.
Histoire des idées politiques
1st year, undergraduate course, 2022/23 (lecture) & 2024/25 (methodology).
Conférence de méthode en science politique
2nd year, undergraduate methodology course, since 2022.
Popular culture and politics in the MENA region
3rd year, undergraduate specialised course, since 2023.
Taught in English.
Culture et puissance dans les relations internationales
2nd year, graduate course, since 2022.
Master's program "International institutions and governance".
Previous UIR courses
Politique comparée
2nd year, undergraduate course, 2022/23 & 2023/24.
Méthodologie de la recherche : Aspects théoriques
3rd year, undergraduate course, 2022/23.
Préparation au stage de fin de cycle
3rd year, undergraduate course, 2022/23 & 2023/24.
Prior to UIR
Paris School of International Affairs
In fall 2014 I have worked as TA at SciencesPo's Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) as part of their Middle East concentration & Kuwait Programme ("Conflicts and Negotiations in the Middle East" by J.-P. Filiu & "The Middle East in the Global Economy" by Robert Springborg) and given a guest lecture on "The political economy of the Moroccan cultural sector".
Bureau International de Liaison et de Documentation
From 2011 to 2014, I have designed and taught introductory courses into Social sciences for German students willing to pursue their studies in France as part of the yearly training programme of BILD, a Franco-German charity based in Paris.