Prof. amina boubIA
Prof. amina boubIA
Arts & Culture - Political science & IR - Middle East & North Africa - East & West
Arts & Culture - Political science & IR - Middle East & North Africa - East & West
Conferences i have organised
Seminar "L'Histoire de Gaza" by Prof. Jean-Pierre Filiu
4 December 2023
Sciences Po Rabat, UIR, Morocco
This exclusive seminar dedicated to an astonishing “history of Gaza” brought together students from Sciences Po Rabat, as well as doctoral students and professors from the Center for Global Studies, in an atmosphere conducive to learning and dialogue. On this occasion, Professor Jean-Pierre Filiu retraced the dense and little-known history of this territory from antiquity to the present; a history marked by multiple struggles in the face of successive waves of domination, but also and above all by a rich culture at the heart of an open civilizational crossroads.
Doctoral seminar series
2024/25, 2023/24 & 2022/2023
Center for Global Studies, UIR, Rabat, Morocco
Doctoral seminar series
2024/25, 2023/24 & 2022/2023
Center for Global Studies, UIR, Rabat, Morocco
Conferences i have contributed to
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Below you will find a list of the conferences I have contributed to so far:
DIY at music festivals in Morocco: From necessity to identity affirmation
11 July 2024
KISMIF, Porto, Portugal
Keynote lecture as part of the plenary session "Resistance, gender, DIY and activism".
This edition marked the 10th anniversary of the event as well as the 50th anniversary of the Carnation revolution.
More information here.
La souveraineté économique par la culture : Etat des lieux, avantages et inconvénients
3 June 2024
Center for Global Studies, UIR, Rabat, Morocco
As part of the research seminar “Souveraineté économique, lieu du politique. Regards croisés”.
Morocco's cultural diplomacy: Blending tradition and modernity through music, crafts and sports
29 April 2024
Centre for Global Studies (CGS), UIR, Rabat, Morocco
As part of FMES' 5 + 5 Mediterranean sessions.
More information here.
Musique, culture et politique dans le monde arabe
30 January 2024
Centre for Global Studies (CGS), UIR, Rabat, Morocco
Workshop as part of the CGS workshops.
From festivals and sports to arts and crafts: The power of popular culture in Morocco
1-2 December 2023
International workshop of the cluster of excellence "Religion and politics", University of Münster, Germany
As part of the conference “Plurality contested: Moroccan cultural and intellectual production as the new political”.
Music festivals, zellige and football : Moroccan popular culture, nation branding and soft power
7 July 2023
Centre for Global Studies, UIR, Rabat, Morocco
As part of FMES' 5 + 5 Mediterranean sessions.
Humanité(s) et créativité artistique à l'ère de l'IA : Etat des lieux et pistes de réflexion pour le Maroc et l'Afrique
2 June 2023
SIEL book fair, Rabat, Morocco
As part of the panel "Humanités en mouvement".
Music festivals, zellige and football : Moroccan popular culture, nation branding and soft power
18 May 2023
Centre for Global Studies, UIR, Rabat, Morocco
As part of the conference “ImagiNation.s: Reconfigurations of national imaginaries in the cultural production of the contemporary Maghreb”.
How digital technologies and cultures facilitated the musical revival of Aboul Kacem Chebbi's poem "The will to live" from Tunisia to Morocco, Lebanon, and beyond
23 May 2017
Department of Music, City University, London, UK
As part of the conference “Music, technology and digital cultures in the Middle East and North Africa”.
More information available here.
Cultural policies in the MENA between permissiveness and repression: What autonomy for cultural actors since the Arab Spring?
21 April 2017
Arab Media Centre, Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster, London, UK
As part of the conference “Mapping cultural policy in the Arab region”.
More information available here.
Let's rock/rap it! Music as collective action: The case of the Arab Spring
11 October 2016
Middle East Centre, LSE, London, UK
As part of the Social Movements and Popular Mobilisation in the MENA Research Network.
The podcast of my presentation is available here.
Music and politics during the Arab Spring: Contention vs. status quo in Morocco and Tunisia through a re-interpretation of Albert Hirschmann and Antonio Gramsci
8 April 2016
Arab Media Centre, Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster, London, UK
As part of the conference "Towards a sociology of popular music in the Arab region".
More information available here.
"Krach in der Kulisse": Aktuelle Musikszene und Gesellschaftspolitischer Wandel in Marokko und Tunesien im Kontext des Arabischen Frühlings
10 December 2014
City library, Saarbrücken, Germany
As part of the conference series “Der Arabische Frühling auf dem Prüfstand”, organised by the France Centre and the Department for Latin languages of Saarland University, in partnership with the City of Saarbrücken.
More information available here.
Inputs on Europe and the Mediterranean: A comparative approach of cultural movements and policies through music festivals in Morocco
31 May 2013
Columbia Global Centre, Paris, France
As part of a workshop on “European and Mediterranean studies” organised by Columbia University and the Central European University.
More information available here.
Le prisme révélateur du Printemps arabe et du Mouvement du 20 Février au Maroc: Une scène musicale divisée au cœur du politique
15 October 2012
Centre for International Studies (CERI), SciencesPo, Paris, France
As part of the conference “Les sciences sociales de l’international: Penser les articulations entre théorie, méthode et terrain”.
More information available here.
Der Arabische Frühling und der politische Dissens in der marokkanischen Musikszene
19 May 2012
Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin, Germany
As part of the conference for PhD fellows of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Neue Produktionsformen des Politischen in der arabischen Welt am Beispiel der Musikfestivals in Marokko
19 May 2012
Kassel University, Kassel, Germany
As part of yearly conference organised at Kassel University by the Graduate Centre of the Department for Social sciences (KIGG).
Die arabische Jugend und die Protestbewegungen: Ein Feldstudienbericht über Musikfestivals in Marokko
17 August 2011
Bad Bevensen, Germany
As part of the Summer school for the fellows of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
L’enjeu politique des festivals de musique au Maroc
2 February 2011
Jacques Berque Centre, Rabat, Morocco
As part of the research network “Expressions musicales contemporaines dans le cadre urbain: entre profane et sacré”.
More information available here.
Les festivals de musique au Maroc
22 November 2010
Centre for International Studies (CERI), SciencesPo, Paris, France
As part of the conference “Culture jeune et musique alternative dans le monde arabe”.