• Research


    My research areas include the following:


    - Urban music and cultures, cultural events, cultural branding, territorial anchoring and identity affirmation

    - Popular culture, youth culture, digital culture, counter-culture, and cultural industry

    - Cultural trends and movements in the age of globalisation, digital technologies and social networks

    - The encouragement of inclusion, diversity, and development through culture

    - The role of women and female artists

    - The political economy of culture, cultural policy & cultural diplomacy

    - The role of art in conflict and post-conflict situations

    - Socio-political transformations in the Middle East and North Africa

    - Intercultural relations between East & West


  • academic publications


    Need to commission a high-quality academic or public outreach piece

    related to my areas of expertise?


    Drop me a line!


    Below you will find my publications,

    including scientific contributions, public outreach pieces & opinion articles:


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    Music, Politics and "Organic Artists" during the Arab Spring: Contention vs. Status Quo in Tunisia and Morocco

    Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, Vol. 12 Issue 1, 2019, Special Issue: Reading Popular Music in the Arab Region and in the Diaspora, p. 88-108

    More information available here.

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    'Artivism' in the Arab World: A Major Driving Force towards Democracy

    IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook, 2015, p. 320-323

    This article is available online.

    French translation available online as well.

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    ‘Krach in der Kulisse’: Aktuelle Musikszene und Gesellschaftspolitischer Wandel in Marokko und Tunesien im Kontext des Arabischen Frühlings

    Frankreich-Forum, 2015, p. 221-231

    More information available here.

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    Fractures et renouveau des scènes musicales

    au Maroc et en Tunisie

    Orient XXI, 13 February 2015

    Article available online.

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    L'humour arabe comme étendard démocratique

    Rue89, 20 January 2015

    Article published following the so-called "Charlie Hebdo attacks" in Paris. 

    Available online.

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    Les festivals de musique au Maroc: Fusions artistiques, cultures globales et pratiques locales

    Festivals, Rave Parties, Free Parties: Histoire des Rencontres Musicales Actuelles, en France et à l’Etranger, Camion Blanc, 2012, p. 361-385

    More information available here.